Balkans deployment cancelled after alleged Parachute Regiment orgy video

Hundreds of service personnel have been banned from taking part in a deployment after the emergence of the video apparently showing an orgy at an Essex military base.

300 service members were to be deployed to Bosnia and Kosovo in September.

A UK military deployment to Bosnia and Kosovo has been cancelled following the emergence of a “corrosive and detrimental” video which appeared to show paratroopers involved in an orgy at a military base.

Some 300 service members were scheduled for a deployment to the Balkan nations starting in September, before the discovery of the footage that has been found to have been “consensual”, but could be construed to “denigrate women”.

Lieutenant General Andrew Harrison, the new British Army chief and the colonel commandant of the Parachute Regiment, wrote in a letter that General Sir Patrick Sanders had “temporarily lost trust” in the unit’s 3rd battalion.

“This afternoon the Chief of the General Staff (CGS), General Sir Patrick Sanders, took the decision to remove 3 Para off the roster to deploy to Kosovo this summer,” he wrote.

“3 Para has an extraordinary operational reputation in the service of our nation, and every member of it will be devastated by the lost opportunity to serve on operations once again in the Balkans.

“CGS’s decision was based on recent disciplinary incidents on Exercise Swift Response, and in Merville Barracks, the latter which has been in the public domain over the last few weeks.”

“3 Para accept they have temporarily lost the trust of CGS,” the colonel commandant added.

“They will reflect on and where required adjust behaviours and culture that undermines the reputation and operational effectiveness of an exceptional battalion.

“3 Para of course remain ready to defend our nation’s interests at home and abroad at a moment’s notice.”

Eight paratroopers had been placed under police investigation after being filmed having an orgy with a civilian woman.

Sir Patrick wrote in his own letter, obtained by the Daily Telegraph, that the alleged behaviour in the video had been found to be consensual and the Royal Military Police had established no crime had been committed.

However, he said it was “unacceptable, corrosive and detrimental to the Army’s reputation (and) could also be construed to denigrate women”.

“I know that the battalion will respond quickly and restore the reputation that they deserve,” he added.

“My message to the Army is clear: Our licence to operate is founded on trust and confidence and we must hold ourselves to the highest standards.”

Earlier this month the Armed Forces minister was forced to apologise over the orgy clip.

James Heappey said he was “sorry and embarrassed,” condemning the “disgraceful” video.

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