Starmer is giving his first major speech of the election campaign in Sussex. It’s all about pushing the message that this isn’t Corbyn’s party until voters’ ears bleed. “Trust us with money and guns”…

Starmer says:

  • He grew up nearby in a town that is “as English as it gets“.
  • His project is “country first, party second“.
  • Britain is facing “a crisis in who we are as a nation”.
  • Voters have questions about Labour: “Have they changed enough? Can I trust them with our money and to protect our borders?
  • Economic Security, Border Security, National Security“.
  • Sunak “turned a corner” line is “disrespectful“. Taxes are too high.
  • Goes through six “pledges”.
  • National Service plan is “a teenage Dads’ Army – paid for by cancelling levelling-up funding and money from tax avoidance that we would use to invest in our NHS.
  • Harks back to the 70s, when people thought work would be rewarded.
  • He is working class. Typical fare from the privately educated…
  • Stability or chaos” is choice at election.
  • Sunak “never believed” in the Rwanda scheme and “knew it wouldn’t work“.
  • Netanyahu should “stop” bombing Rafah.
  • Sunak has called election before Rwanda plan can be “tested”.
  • If you can work and “serve in our armed forces” you should be able to vote.
  • No votes for EU citizens, though.
  • He will reform tuition fees. No details on how. No pledge not to raise them.
  • Has enough energy for the campaign. Not too old.

Is that enough to convince voters he’s like a patriotic mate down the pub?

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