Sadiq Khan wasn’t mincing his words when asked by Politico what he made of Labour’s latest Trump charm offensive. Shadow Foreign Secretary David Lammy said in the US last week that Trump is often “misunderstood” in Europe and that there is “common ground” between them. Bit of a shift from when he called Trump “a racist KKK and Nazi sympathiser”…

Khan has stuck to the old line. He says in response:

I’m quite clear, I understand on Trump – He’s a racist. He’s a sexist. He’s a homophobe. And it’s very important, particularly when you’ve got a special relationship, that you treat them as a best mate. If my best mate was a racist, or a sexist or a homophobe, I’d call him out and I’d explain to him why those views are wrong.

A Labour foreign affairs spokesman puts the new Labour position bluntly:

 “The US is the UK’s most essential ally. Labour is a realist party which will work with any US administration. This is an election year in the US as well as the UK which is why we’re building on our strong links on both sides of the aisle.

Guido’s not sure how many other lefty Labour politicians will be eager to get stuck into the realpolitik…

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