Remainers Red Faced As WTO Boss Says Brexit Britain Will Face No Trade Disruptions


The head of the World Trade Organisation, the global trade organisation which deals with international trading rules between participating countries, and has the ambition to remove barriers to trade, has said that Brexit will not cause a disruption to the United Kingdom’s global trade.

Robert Azevedo, head of the World Trade Organisation said: “I will be working hard – I will work very intensely to ensure that this transition is fast and is smooth,”
“The less turbulence the better. The global economy today is not in the best shape for us to be introducing turbulence.”
“The UK is a member of the WTO today, it will continue to be a member tomorrow. There will be no discontinuity in membership.
“They have to renegotiate (their terms of membership) but that doesn’t mean they are not members.

The Remainers have said that a no-deal Brexit would cause trade disruption. Now the head of the WTO has confirmed that this is not the case. The United Kingdom will flourish after Brexit.

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