WRITE TO YOUR MP: Say ‘No’ to Remoaner Amendments to the EU (Withdrawal) Bill

In Parliament, the effort from Remoaners to undermine Brexit is well underway, and we need your support to fight back to ensure a real Brexit.
In the last few weeks, MPs have been voting on amendments to the EU (Withdrawal) Bill, many of which are designed to scupper Brexit, such as by keeping us in the Single Market and Customs Union.
On Wednesday, Conservative Remoaner MPs spearheaded by the former Attorney General, Dominic Grieve (who was fired by David Cameron), along with Anna Soubry and Ken Clarke and 8 other MPs voted with Labour and against the Government to ensure there is a final Parliamentary vote on the Brexit deal. It’s hard to put any other take on this apart from perhaps providing an opportunity for Labour, the LibDems, the SNP and some of these Remoaner Conservative MPs to delay or even derail Brexit completely.
We have been keeping a record of all MPs’ votes on Brexit legislation during the passage of this Bill through Parliament. Based on this data, we have rated each MP on their commitment to Brexit. You can find this information here. If you don’t already know who your MP is, you can find out from this link here.
The final debate is scheduled to take place next Wednesday – 20th December. There are already rumours of another Remoaner rebellion, so we have produced the template letter below, which we encourage you to send to your MP. Even if you have written to them before, or know they do not support Brexit, it is vital they hear from you as the person who has voted them into their seat in the House of Commons.
We need to make sure the Bill gets through the House of Commons without any more amendments which would undermine Brexit.
Whichever party you support, and whichever party your MP belongs to, it is important they hear your views – even if you know they do not support Brexit! The more they hear from all their constituents the better, so they are aware of how important it is to you, as well as your family and their future.
Remember, even though Labour are now trying to weaken Brexit, 7 out of 10 Labour constituencies voted to Leave the EU in the Referendum, so if your MP is Labour, it is very important they hear from you.
You can use this link to find the contact details of your MP.
Please feel free to amend the letter where you feel you need to amend it or add your own points. This is really important if your MP has a low “commitment to Brexit” rating (which you can find here), we encourage you to add this information to your letter.
Please remember to add your MP’s name, your name and your address in the relevant places.
It would be helpful if you could also copy us with your letter to info@getbritainout.org and any reply you might receive.
Every little bit helps, as the Remainers, including the likes of Tony Blair, Peter Mandelson, Richard Branson, George Soros and Gina Miller, as well as the Remainer MPs in Parliament, are throwing everything at trying to block us from Leaving the EU.

Here is the template letter:
Dear [Insert the name of your MP if possible]
Your Votes on the EU (Withdrawal) Bill are Important to your Constituents
As I am sure you are aware, some MPs are trying to deny the will of the 17.4 million people in the United Kingdom who voted in the EU Referendum to Leave the European Union. This was the greatest democratic exercise in our history and more people voted than in any General Election!
The Government is planning for a smooth, speedy and clean Brexit, but unfortunately many MPs have proposed huge numbers of amendments to the EU (Withdrawal) Bill, including maintaining the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice, staying in the Single Market or Customs Union, holding another Referendum, or otherwise trying to scupper the Government’s negotiating position.
The passage of the Bill is vital to Brexit, transferring EU law into UK law, it will ensure a smooth passage from being inside the EU to outside the EU in March 2019.
Please remember, 85% of MPs of all parties in the House of Commons were voted into the House at the last General Election – all on manifestos of Leaving the European

Union. 7 out of every 10 Labour MPs represent constituencies which voted to Leave!
In order to achieve the best Brexit deal, I am asking you to support the Government in these final important debates and the votes on this Bill, and oppose any attempt to derail or undermine the Government’s plans for the best Brexit deal. As your constituent, I am asking you: “Will you vote with the Government in the final debates on the EU (Withdrawal) Bill on Wednesday?”
I sincerely hope you, as my MP, will make sure the EU Referendum result and the recent election manifestos are fully respected, and we get the best Brexit deal for our future in the global world.
Yours sincerely,
[Insert Your Name Here]
[Please also add your address so your MP knows you are one of his/her constituents]


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