Boris Johnson’s Brexit red lines mean absolutely nothing as he congratulates Theresa May on deal which breaks them

The Foreign Secretary boldly set out his version of what should be in the deal two months ago – but things don’t seem to have turned out like that two months ago Boris Johnson set out four Brexit red lines.
Yesterday, he was forced to swallow his pride as at least three were crossed.
A post-Brexit transition period lasting a maximum of two years “and not a second more”

Here is original demands were:
Refusing to accept new EU or European Court of Justice rulings during transition
Not agreeing to shadow EU rules to gain access to market
No payments for single market access when transition ends

The deal unveiled at dawn appears to breach at least three of his lines.
EU negotiating guidelines envisage Britain staying in the single market and customs union and observing all EU laws for around two years after withdrawal in March 2019
British judges will refer two or three cases a year to the European Court of Justice to rule on European citizens in Britain until 2027 – six years longer than a planned transition
Details of trade deal will be hammered out in the next phase.


But if a pact cannot be agreed, Britain will maintain “full alignment” with parts of the single market and customs union covered by the Good Friday Agreement to prevent chaos at the Northern Ireland border
Britain will fork out up to £39billion, but only up to the end of 2020 and not after a transition

The Foreign Secretary tweeted: “Congratulations to PM for her determination in getting today’s deal.
“We now aim to forge a deep and special partnership with our European friends and allies while remaining true to the referendum result – taking back control of our laws, money and borders for the whole of the UK.”

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